Merry Christmas!It's never too late for a greeting, though it's been two days since the twenty-fifth.
It's been weeks since my last blog entry. So where was I during that time?
I wasn't able to access the net for days because my beloved sister was hogging the net and practically depriving me of it. She was chatting and surfing for what seems to be an eternity, while my incessant pleas for net time was silenced by her cold
shut up's. *sigh* Merry Christmas to you, dear sister.
To be honest, I didn't really get a whiff of the cold Christmas air from Siberia that much for me to get all excited for Christmas this year. I feel bad about this, considering how excited I was back then when the Yuletide season comes. It's one of my favorite times of the year, and it disturbed me when I learned that my level of excitement and eagerness to celebrate it was on the rocks. What's even more startling is the fact that I see less and less of excited, shiny and happy people every year who are looking forward spending the Christmas holidays. I wonder if they feel disturbed as I am now.
I spent my Christmas in the province, and I must say that I'm glad I spent it there. I knew that if I spent it here in Manila, I could have not felt its existence; it would have passed like an ordinary day. It was then I realized how different my world has become. While playing with my cousins I kept on thinking of the school work I left at home. When I watched TV with my aunts and uncles, I felt really guilty, bcause I thought I was wasting my time in front of that wretched box. I knew that these days of relaxation and bumming around will be payed for by weeks of book-kissing.
I really felt like a scrooge.
Rather...I felt like an adult.
freakin' adult.Ebenezer Scrooge, I now know how you feel.
Ebenezer Scrooges of the world, I now know how you feel.
I'm sorry Lord...
I know it's your birthday...
And I didn't even greet you properly.
Happy Birthday, and I'm sorry for thinking this way.
Thanks for this good year.
May the good Lord bless y'all.
Four days till the new year...cherish every moment. Milk `em for what they're worth.
and, oh...before I forget...
Happy 18th birthday, Didi! :)I love you, blockmate and friend!
# correspondence ended @
10:20 PM