*Drum roll* I have decided to post my Christmas wishlis here! Yey, clap! Ü
There's this saying that goes,
"If you can't dream or hope for something, then you are not capable of getting it at all." So by writing wishlists every year, I try to give myself that space to hope and dream for the Christmas presents I want to get (the chance to be materialistic! haha..).
Though by experience I have never gotten everything that I have written in any of the Christmas wishlists I have made in the past, I still write one every year to serve as a guide for the people who plan to give me gifts this season.
Yes. In other words,
So here it is!
Miles' Wishlist for Yule 2006
1. Bleach DVD (All episodes)
2.Bleach Soundtrack
3. Bleach Beat Collection--Ichimaru Gin
4. Bleach Keychain set
5. Audio CD's
a. Franz Ferdinand
b. UpDharmaDown
c. Pupil
d. Imago
6. Flash disk [1 Gig! haha. asa pa. sige na nga. kahit 256 or 512 pwede na. haha.]
7. G-mask gift certificate worth 1000
8. Powerbooks gift certificates
9. Graphic tees and shirt dresses
10. Cropped jackets and cropped pants
11. Skirts (Be it mini or long skirts, ok lang.) in yummy and cool colors
12. Plain black rubber slippers
13. Shoes (flats and sneakers)
14. Star-shaped things o anything with stars in `em
15. Orange colored things
16. Earrings
17. Yearly Planner
18. Nice conversations
19. Love
20. Friendship
21. Time
22. A drug to cure laziness and procrastination.
23. Wisdom and Knowledge from God
24. Simplicity
25. Faith
Yes, I know numbers 19-21 are a bit off...but I wished for them anyway.
Well...45 days `til Christmas.
I have to save-up for gifts.
Good luck to me.
# correspondence ended @
8:14 AM