Why did God create each day with 24 hours?
Not that I'm complaining or anything...I'm just asking.
Scientifically, you can explain why this is occurring, (the rotation of the earth etc..etc. ) but science has never explained the
purpose of this design.
Sure, they can say that the 'purpose' of this order is that it certainly fits the sleeping and eating patterns of different species of flora and fauna. This is the most ideal number of hours for the whole earth and every inhabitant of it to do what they do---their biological and metabolic activities. But does this reasoning really provide the answer for the question of the purpose of the 24-hour order? Isn't it the animals and plants who are actually conforming to the 24 hours, and not the other way around? They evolved their own respective eating habits and Circadian rythyms according to the fixed number of days that were there even before the simplest form of life ever appeared on earth.
So what then, is the
purpose of the 24-hour order?
When I was in high school, I realized that 24 hours was never enough for me.
I always find myself wishing that there were more than 24 hours in a day.
I want to do a lot of things, but it seems that I can only do a portion in one day.
Sometimes, I even wish not to feel sleepy at all for I see sleep being a waste of time. In 6 hours of sleep, I can read 5 Edgar Allan Poe short stories (fully digested, not just taken at face value) and even read tons of news articles here in the internet. You may see that argument a bit twisted, but you have to understand that it is in fact the driving force behind my mild case of insomnia. (An excess thought: Recently I found that my usual resistance to sleep is being dissolved little by little these past few days. I considered this as a problem, so I asked my friend about it. She said to me: "So you sleep now? Easily? Miles, HAPPY PEOPLE sleep a lot easier and better. So that drives me to ask, WHATEVER MAKES YOU HAPPY NOWADAYS?" Now, where did that come from?).
My mother had a different view, though. She said that 24 hours are enough...there's just something wrong with the way I handle it. She may have a point...for when I did an analysis on my daily habits and I found out that considerably biologically trivial things take up most of my time as compared to the ones considered biologically essential. Take my internet usage time for example. I spend an average of 4 hours online on school nights, and 6 hours on weekends and 8-12 hours on vacations. The time I spend on eating is roughly a fourth of my internet usage hours on weekdays. The only exception I can make out of this system is my bath and dressing-up time--it takes about an hour of my mornings. I spend 15-20 minutes taking a bath and the rest is for dressing-up.
Bad time allocation and judgement, you say? Yeah, I heard that from my mother too.
So I thought, hey, so maybe there's nothing wrong the 24-hour order. Maybe there's something wrong with me.
So I tried to systematize my time usage. Countless times. It became a habit, and I was able to cut down the time I spend on [biologically] trivial activities that I do.
I still carry the habit with me, but it hasn't changed a thing. Because of the number of things I want to squeeze in a day, I still see 24 hours as lacking.
I always hear people talk about time management. But that isn't my problem. The LACK of time to manage
is my problem.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to answer the question I posed earlier---the purpose of the 24-hour order...and I feel I won't be able to answer it as long as I live, at least in this lifetime.
For now, I think I'll be dealing with this problem by further cutting down the time I spend on certain activities (yes, the triviality of some activities still escape me) and maybe still continue to miss a lot of sleep to accomodate the things I want to do.
When judgement day comes, I'll ask God His purpose of creating the days with 24 hours.
I know I'll get the answer from Him. But ironically, when that day comes, I have no more use of time at all.
Tsk. Pity.
Oh, oras...tignan mo kung gaano mo ako pinahihirapan!
# correspondence ended @
2:13 AM