First post for the month of November.
Let me start with an apology.
I apologize for not posting and updating my blog, except for occasional tags(which are mostly replies to previous tags made by my blog visitors).
To tell you honestly, my sembreak was boring as watching grass grow, but I didn't even think of updating my blog to kill time.
Why that thought never entered my mind, I can't tell you for sure, but I suspect it is because of the paucity of things to write.
Last Monday, November 6th, Kassandra and I met in McDo Philcoa and we went to school together to get our grades for the first semester. When we saw each other, we didn't have to tell how we felt right away. We automatically knew that we were both nervous like hell. Sure, it was any student's reaction to grades-giving day, but our sentiments were a little bit different from what other students may feel about getting their grades. This was going to be our FIRST grade report giving day in our whole college lives. You know what they say about the first time to anything: it may either kill you or make you stronger. But it was the uncertainty of the whole situation which makes it unbearable. We certainly were hoping that this first class card experience would toughen us up, not immobilize us for life or worse, annihilate us. We knew that it was possible that First Time wouldn't be so kind to us, considering the fact that we were Freshmen and we are still suffering from adjustment blues and problems. Not to mention the pressure we feel because of the need to maintain our scholarships. The extremely hot weather didn't help alleviate the stress we felt either. The air was so thick and heavy with hot moisture that it dulls the senses. The walk from the overpass to the covered courts had never been so excruciating.
While walking to the covered courts, Kassa and I made a pact. The moment we receive our grades, we will fold it in half. We won't look at it right away. We'll dash to the chapel and there, we will see what fate has in store for us. After that, we pray. We'll thank God for what we have received, whether they be good or bad.
When we arrived in the covered courts, I was expecting to see a long queue but I was really glad that that expectation wasn't met at all. I was pleased to see that the efficient and quick system wouldn't prolong my pain and suffering any longer. After 10 minutes we got our grades and we made a mad dash to the chapel as planned. Kassa and I sat on one of the pews and opened the sheets of the paper the folks from RegCom gave to each us.
If there were flies in the place, they could have made a home in our mouths.
We sat there for more or less 5 minutes with jaws wide open.
Then came another 5 minutes and the next thing we knew, we were grinning like idiots.
The letters written on the paper next to the names of our subjects weren't what we expected at all.
Our gazes shifted from the sheet of paper we were holding to each other's faces.
Yes. We could die at that very moment. Naked, even.
Then we remembered why we chose to see our grades in the chapel in the first place. To thank Him for everything. And that' s exactly what Kassa and I did.
I guess First Time wasn't going to exterminate us yet.
He'd have to come back some other time.
Thank you God for helping us through the first sem.
Bleach! Kyaaa~~
Bleach fever!
Next post: My Christmas wishlist.
# correspondence ended @
11:41 PM