Finals week is only days away.
I've got papers to do.
My schedule is all messed up.
I haven't prayed to God since Tuesday.
I haven't conditioned my hair since then too.
I haven't eaten a full meal since Monday [for this week I relied on water, cookies and lollipops for nutrition].
I haven't slept since Sunday.
I haven't cleaned my desk since last, last week.
A tower of papers is leaning dangerously here.
I haven't patted nor touched my dogs since last Monday.
I haven't said anything right to someone since last Wednesday. Everything sounds wrong and negative to him [wait, who's at fault then? My words or his perception?].
I haven't opened my bible since last, last week.
I haven't defragmented my computer since last month.
I haven't been to a moviehouse since 4 months ago.
I've been worried sick for three weeks now.
I haven't relaxed since then.
[For the record, I really don't show it, but I'm really freaking out inside.
I'm fighting the urge to scream. To run around with my hands in the air. Hysterically.
Hah. I'm glad the urge is losing.]
So my life's a bit messy.
A bit.
That's an understatement.
I'm worried sick, SICK--it's as if I wanted to vomit all the work that I have to do and accomplish. And in the pool of vomit, I want fish out and to see a finished film review for English and a fully-edited photoessay for Filipino with captions. [How disgusting can YOU get?]
Well...why worry?
Why fret?
Why panic?
Why not...
# correspondence ended @
5:35 AM