An entry in celebration of the return of my home internet connection.
Thank you mom for letting the guys of the PLDT know that our phone's busted.
I have spent two weeks surfing the net in the Netopia in the mall near my house. While it had been extra expenses for me, I actually miss the 200 mbps connection. I actually miss the fast y!m lag. I miss the launchcast radio. I miss the streaming video. I miss the 3D graphics.
But it's happier to access the net from my own house. The privacy and the power to slouch in my chair is priceless.
And, oh...before I forget...
you're 17 now, my friend! I am really glad that I met you..thanks for everything.
I wish you all the best. I'm looking forward to more moments to be enjoyed with you. Love you, jam! :)
# correspondence ended @
11:13 PM