everyday ends with a realization...and for the past few days I've been going to my new school, the Ateneo, I already had some things in mind.
1. DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT be late for class on your first meeting with your professor. Your blockmates will laugh at you and your prof will not like it.
2. Remember that there's a HUGE distinction between the letters A and B. Forgo stupidity and read your class schedule well.
3. Remember that the old violent days are gone. the guy friends who used to hit you when you're laughing or having fun are away from you now. miss them, but don't expect the same behavior from your new guy friends.
4. it's fun to have a GAY professor. *ehem*
5. When there's nobody who can relate with your interests in politics, sociology or biological weapons, go to the library and read books about them. Books are indeed good friends who can easily keep up with you.
6. Try not to sleep while in the middle of a good book in a cold, quiet place like the Rizal Library.
7. If you try too hard to look for something [or someone..*ehem*], chances are you'll not find it. Let chance do the finding for you. You'll find the results rather interesting. *wink*
8. Totoo ang mga live footages ng Katipunan na pinapakita sa TV tuwing umaga. Traffic nga dun. Graaaabbbbbeeeeeee.
# correspondence ended @
12:12 AM