what do you know.
I updated my blog.
it's been a long time since I posted here...the love month's nearing its end, so I must at least write something about the things that happened.
so..once again...here goes.
the E-contention debate competition.
I was sick that day. So I came late. I was thisclose to being disqualified from the team because of my tardiness. Thank God I arrived in the School of Economics before the rest of the debate team arrived.
So in short, I wasn't kicked from the team. *sighs in relief*
we arrived there just in time for the competition.
It was a very weird thing that no bone in my body was feeling nervous. It turned out to be a bad sign.
The Elimination round was composed of three sub-rounds. The first set of motions that were given by the UPDS days before were the motions for the first sub-round.
Why oh, why do I have to get sick on the competition day itself?
FIRST fry-session: SWING team of the UP DEBATE SOCIETY.
MOTION: THBT This house would allow 100% foreign ownership of miningcorporations located in non-indigenous lands.
First reaction: Dammit.
we gave it our best shot, but the guys from the UPDS were so damn good.
in short, we lost to them. But I can say that we put up a good fight.
MOTION: TH would suspend WTO membership of countries with Nuclear Programs for military purposes.
First reaction: We can't lose. Dammit.
after a grueling process of demoralization counter-attack, we proceeded to the room of our second debate.
The team wanted/decided on the motion which said something about space programs of third world countries being a pie in the sky, but then, the process of choosing the motion became known to us because of the PCC debate team. we had to veto on the motion to be debated upon.
the whole debate went smoothly. though we weren't abale to describe and give full details about the WTO due to some factors, we won this round. :D
MOTION: THW impose a global ceiling for military expenses.
First reaction: OMG. ateneo. dammit.
ateneo. the school which carried the best debaters in the philippines.
we are up for a big challenge.
I was really scared that I stood there and froze. I spoke for a good 3 minutes.
Thank you janica for that great reply speech.
IN SHORT...WE GOT INTO THE FINALS on FEB 18. pray for us.
to be continued...i need to hit the sack right now.
# correspondence ended @
10:33 PM