the people in my tagboard are screaming for an update.
and due to insistent public demand [or at least due to the requests of the fellows tagging at my tagboard], here it is.
the last time i posted was april 12.
and it is june 6 today.
looking at the dates, oh, god, i feel so useless and lazy for not maintaing my net portal of thoughts.
it's because much of my summer has been devoted to teaching...i've been teaching my brother and my cousin who's both preparing for their the Science HS entrance exam and the UPCAT respectively. i've been busy tutoring them and gearing them for the exams.
or maybe that's an excuse.
the real reason[maybe]: my sister dominates the pc everytime. she wakes up at 8 just to be the first one to kiss the computer monitor. her butt cheeks are
perpetually glued to this seat for 10 hours, only pausing the perpetuity just to eat, drink and answer the call of nature. what's left of me and my little brother are meager 2 hours of netlife when she nods off to sleep on the sofa.
being a/an [loving] elder sister, i just let my brother use up the two hours that's given to us. my shift? 1-3 am. fortunately, my little sister's a sleepyhead. she can't stay up later than 11. but but unfortunately, my mom hates my late-night habit. she says that i can't stay up that late because of my anemia. she's right...sleeping too late lowers my red blood cell count. she once caught me getting up at 1 am just to use the internet. the result: she banned me from using the computer. fortunately, she lifted the ban. if she didn't i'll be scarred for life.
Rap once said to me that drug addicts will do anything--even twist realities just to get their fix of their precious drug of choice. my sister proved this for me...but she's not a drug junkie. she's a ragna junkie. when we use the computer, she says that we are unfair because we've been rubbing elbows with the computer for too long.
too long?!
dammit, are two freakin' hours
too long?
i look at this ragna junkie/megalomaniac, and step aside. i don't want fights. she won't be able to handle me when i'm angry.
there are times that we use the computer for 5 hours [heaven!] because she runs out of ragna load. these are one of the moments we sing loud praises to the Lord God up above because we get to use the computer.
and you guessed it right. this time is indeed one of those "times".
i hope and pray that these "times" come more often.
maybe i'll think of another strategy to keep the megalomaniac in my sister in check.
*remember this blog is the first one i made as a college student. ciao*
# correspondence ended @
10:48 PM