this is part two of the previous post. well...sorry it took me sooooooooo long to update my blog. my sister went through a ragnarok frenzy these past few weeks.
anyway...*clears throat*
a. Theobern's birthday celebration yellow cab annex at 1 pm. Jamie and I met in McDo carpark at 10 am to buy a gift for him. but, because of that damn dance maniax machine (or maybe because of our addiction...maybe.), we arrived late but we still caught them there.
when we arrived, we were received gleefully...well...maybe too gleefully.
when we entered...
what the hell was HE doing , in a yellow shirt, standing there?i was also wearing a yellow shirt.
oh...well. thanks for the pizza, theo.
b. hanging out with avo 4 in the North Susana clubhouse
...for the mascot making contest on the 22nd. we arrived late because we've been in theo's birthday celebration. we thought they'd be really angry at us, but thank God they weren't. all went well, except for the fact that I went home with my jeans full of gaw-gaw stains. [cheers to all gaw-gaw-weras and those newspaper strippers. you know who you are.]
a. cram. cram. cram. cram a bit more.
...for the mascot making contest. we really crammed a lot for jason irving's costume. even the design was not that clear yet! yikes.
a. mascot making contest eliminations our very own classroom.
the judges will go from room to room and watch each class' presentation. the judges were mrs. osorio, mr. almendarez and ms. aquino. all were cramming, all were panicky...and we didn't have a name for the mascot yet! good thing owen thought of something. Astromon voyanazar. familiar, eh? owen got it from the incantation or passage that the characters from the GMA 7 show encantadia say in order to open a portal of some sort. he just changed some letters, that's all.
in short, we didn't get eliminated, thanks to our class' efforts, jason's antics and of course, Gerald's wicked extempo skills.
Let's move on to the finals, tomorrow, shall we, guys? :D
a. mascot making contest finals
...this time, in the covered court.
here, we really had fun. all were helping jason put on his costume, buy him water and even fan him. we took lots of pictures and had a really nice bonding time together.
on stage, I discovered Jamie's knack for acting [jeme, you really should act on stage often, dude.], how thick-faced Jason was [in a positive way, dude] and I proved that Gerald's really amazing at speaking in front of an insanely wild crowd.
we won the first place. yey!
a. sports fest the covered court. since it was the second quarter, our teams were our second year sections.
it was fun...and it brought back many memories.
it was then that I realized that I really am going to miss curie 2 when I get to college.
a. economics contest the conference hall. gerald and I were the representatives of the school and we were extremely nervous.
i really should try and shake off this habit...or should i say sensation of throwing up when I am rattled. I swear I was thisclose at puking at gerald because of nervousness. good thing it never happened.
we got in the eliminations and we moved in the final round. i tell you this, current events suck. we didn't get any of these questions right! but thankfully, we were able to pull it through.
we won in the final round and we even got the highest pointer awards for school and individual[gerald]. i even got P 425. yey! christmas shopping money.
Thank you, God for the blessings. :D
well...that's it for november! :D cheerio. :D
# correspondence ended @
11:09 PM