The Grinch is so outdated.
Now, here's the plot summary to the upcoming movie "How Acads Stole (My) Christmas":
1. Psych
-read chapter on learning and perception
- quiz, first meeting on January.
2. Org Chem
- Read, study and answer homework for Chapters 4-7
3. Histology
- Read on bones, cartilage and blood.
4. Org Chem Lab
- Handwritten postlab and prelab
- Quiz on infrared spectroscopy, first meeting on January
5. Japanese
- Finish Kanji exercises
- Practice reading and writing
- Start project (photo album)
6. SA (I was reminded of this nung nag e-mail si Liane sa y!g)
- Paper: Myself and the Sociological Imagination
Iie. Shimatta.
Meri Kurisumasu.
# correspondence ended @
10:59 PM