..Each player of this game [?] starts with 6 weird things about him. People who get tagged need to write in their blog 6 weird things. In the end, choose 6 people to be tagged. List their names, of course. Don’t forget to inform them.
Gerald tagged me.
And so, here it is.
1. Miles has a fancy for extra spicy food. Ask her to eat a whole chili with rice, she'll do it with a smile. Many people say (especially her siblings) that if you want to know how spicy something is, don't ask her opinion. What's not spicy for her might be a volcano for you.
2. She hates eating. She'd rather sleep than enjoy a meal, and that's the reason why she doesn't eat dinner.
sometimes? *nervous chuckle*
3. She likes to keep small things that remind her of the different events in her life. She keeps these things in sturdy shoe boxes in her room. The most recent addition to her collection? A McDo fries carton (acquired May 22,2007), whose contents have been consumed by her and someone special. Maybe this is the reason why she's scared of throwing papers and other stuff away. And maybe this is also the reason why her mother constantly holds the tower of papers leaning dangerously and the other stuff on her study table as a
sermon topic. Trash and laziness, she calls it, but to Miles, it's just plain sentimentality.
4. She wants to die, come back and then tell everybody about it.
5. She has
selective arachnophobia, a term that she coined for her condition, that is, she's not scared of all spiders, especially not to small, gray ones. Rather, she's extremely terrified of huge, hairy, and colorul (indicative that they are venomous) and slow-walking spiders, like tarantulas, black widows and---God forbid---Goliath bird-eating spiders. She always wishes that Class Arachnida be wiped out by natural selection, but she always takes it back because she realizes the impact the disappearance of spiders will have on the ecosystem(Tsk. Biologists.).
6. She'd rather go to hell and burn in all its sulfuric glory than to get married, but that's an opinion that's subject to change...or is
changing at the moment.
There you go. Your turn,
Kacie ,
Ate Ekai and
Kuya Randy. :)
# correspondence ended @
11:03 PM