the quezon city science debate society is now officially existent.
It all started when we met in the school awhile ago to talk about the parliamentary procedure contest that we are supposed to join on the eleventh of this month. unfortunately, the contest coincided with our field trip. ma'am erpelo then said that we should vote whether we should join or not and explain our reasons why. by the majority's decision, we ended up choosing the field trip over the contest.
ma'am then laid out the agendum for the meeting, which is to finally make the debate society official by voting a set of officers. but here's the catch. we didn't actually vote for the officers, we appointed them. someone nominates only one person, then another closes the nomination, so, no contention. and they're saying they were very democratic.
Janica was appointed the president , I was the vice president,
Yeye, the secretary, Timo, the treasurer and Domeng the auditor.
three committees were created, the education, ways and means and the programs committees where, me, timo and yeye were the chairpersons of each committee respectively. we also planned about the webpage that's going to be created by rachel in her own domain. we also had a nice trip back memory lane when we remembered the how we were formed.
we have lots of projects that are lined up for the rest of the year, and I pray to God that I may do my responsibilities in school well without being distracted by the extra activities of this org.
rachel is currently developing our website, so please check out our yahoo groups. i'll post the group name later. let me check it out first. :)
# correspondence ended @
2:21 PM