Quite a long title, I'm sorry.
Post 10 things that recently made you happy, then tag ten other people and spread the LOVE:
1. My dad. Best guy in the whole world for all time! He comforted me when I lost my phone. Nothing beats his hugs! =) I LOVE YOU PAPA! =)
2. Jericho. He's the best guy in the whole world next to my dad. I just love how he makes me very very very happy by letting me squeeze his bulging tummy (which I caused, by the way. I kept on giving him more than half of my food every time we eat. Aaaand...I've been doing that for a year now. Sorry, bebe =)) ) whenever I'm sad or when I need an outlet for a manic episode. He's the best comforter and hugger next to my daddy! haha. I LOVE YOU BOYFRIEND! hahaha..okay, cheesy.
3. Work. Yeah, I sound like a loser, I know. But work makes me feel really useful and productive. Nothing makes me feel happier than that feeling. It gets my brain racing and functioning and my endorpine levels high.
3. My PC, Gin. I love his sexy 80 gig memory and the broadband internet. Killer combination.
4. Green Tea. It's my new water now. I feel healthier because of it! Make me happy anytime by giving me a box of these really really happy tea bags! =)
5. Sky Flakes. I stopped eating sky flakes ever since I tried coping and ridding myself of bulemia because it reminded me of the days when I used to poke my throat with a toothbrush. But when my mom brought home a big can, I can't help but eat em. DELICIOUS MEHN...SUPER! And to add to that, I was very glad because I didn't think of puking them out.
6. Drawing and Photoshop. Inner artist self is happy right now because of devart and psych project.
7. Blogging. Aaah. The wonders of writing. Cathartic and very thought provoking.
8. Ignoring someone. Yeah, call me evil...but I'm loving it. It's out of my nature, but this thing is different. It's actually LIBERATING. It's about time narin siguro. I can't be your patient and waiting pal forever, kiddo. Maybe you've got to realize something din. I know where I stand, and unfortunately, you don't. WOHOOO
9. Friends. Blockmates, classmates! <3
10. My Weight. I lost 2 pounds in a healthy way! :) I didn't resort to not eating or puking! Yay! I'm still in my normal weight range, and that's a good marker. =)
I'm tagging who? Nobody in particular! :)
If you want to answer this, go on ahead! :) Spread the smiles around!
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1:05 AM